Silverfish are a frequent occurrence in UK households. You can easily control them by following simple methods. However, in severe cases, you may require the assistance of a Silverfish pest controller to overcome an infestation. The Pest Master provides various services for Silverfish Pest Control in Birmingham.
Many people mistake Silverfish, also known as Lepisma saccharina, for something else, but they are actually insects. These small creatures have teardrop-shaped bodies and no wings. They can grow up to 30mm in length. Silverfish get their name from their silver-blue colour and scaly skin. Additionally, their body moves in a manner similar to a fish swimming through water.
Silverfish are insects with long antennae that have a curved appearance and three distinctive bristles at the rear. While their appearance remains fairly consistent, there may be some variations in colour. During their nymph stage, silverfish are typically creamy white in colour.
You may find silverfish in the damp areas of your home, which can signal that your property has a damp problem. If you see silverfish around your house, check for any signs of leaks, damage to the damp proof course, brickwork, or walls. These problems create ideal conditions for silverfish to breed.

What Damage Can Silverfish Cause?
Although small creatures may appear unsettling, they are not capable of transmitting any known diseases. Additionally, these insects are not harmful to humans as they are not venomous and do not bite. However, their presence in and around your property can potentially have an indirect impact on your health. These insects can indirectly harm you or spread diseases because they prey on a wide range of pests, including cockroaches.
Silverfish pest infestations have caused significant damage to households in the United Kingdom, affecting various household items such as books, furniture, leather, and important documents.
These insects can eat both your wallpaper and the adhesive used to stick it. This means that in a large infestation, they can damage your walls, making them unsightly and difficult to look at.
Silverfish Control - How to Get Rid of Them
Changing the temperature around can often be enough to reduce the population of Silverfish pests. If you want to completely get rid of silverfish, it’s recommended to contact a professional at Silverfish control. At The Pest Master, we apply a variety of sprays to all areas of your home that have been infested. This ensures that we manage the infestation before it causes any potential health risks or damage.
If you require additional information regarding controlling Silverfish or would like assistance from our team of experts to eliminate the infestation, please do not hesitate to contact us today.